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Where's My Silver Lining?


Playlist for my TF2 Sniper, Nath. Mostly concentrates on his childhood and life before he worked for RED.
Starts off generally low, mood and tempo wise and then gets more cheerful and upbeat near the end.
The absolutely stunning cover was done by: http://pinapin.tumblr.com/
Link to fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3585978/chapters/7907688
Link to the original piece of art: http://foeyayfanart.tumblr.com/post/147058734939/weep-for-yourself-my-man-youll-never-be-what-is
Link to Youtube version of the playlist (same order):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtiIU8kGA62RhM0Lghbe02E9yjpYxsUS2 (For some reason it seems to come up blank if you click it but if you copy and paste it the link will still work)

20 tracks
2 comments on Where's My Silver Lining?

I love your playlists and Foe Yay so much. They're perfect and I always find great new tunes on them. The last one on this one cracked me up so bad though.

K I'm sorry, ur playlist is great, but 'hello darkness my old friend' started playing and I fell off my bed. Memes have ruined me
