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You've killed all my red pens.


This is for all the teachers out there.... little johnny thinks that Mexico is in Europe? That Hitler was irish and was friends with Gandhi?
Jam to this 28-song mix while you angrily scribble red all over their papers.

21 tracks
10 comments on You've killed all my red pens. (View all)

I've been breaking this list out in dire circumstances on and off for years. This time it's a huge backlog and assignments that do things like ignore the entire point of the assignment (compare and contrast embryonic development in two species) and do something else (for ex: not give any similarities, just describe the two species separately, describe sperm anatomy instead of talking about gastrulation, and more!). Thanks for the sanity protection!

I imagined my teacher practically destroying my paper (you've never seen so many grammar mistakes in one German essay, believe me) while listening to this and... I had a lot if fun.
