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Some real quirky tribute gems. From the Punjabi renditions of the Beatles and Rajasthani/Bhutanese/ bengali versions of Bob Dylan ( and ginsberg & Dylan chanting mantras) to the rhythm of Tabla and Miles Davis on sitar ...bizarre yet fascinating


12 tracks
1 comment on QUIRKS

Oh Thakcur, I have such deep love for you. This mix is exciting beyond words. Just by sharing these peices of music you are expanding the world for so many people (myself in particular.) I could write an essay about why I love each track here so much. To keep this brief, Norwegian Wood made me cry like a child and So What is the jazz cover of a lifetime. Bhutanese Bob Dylan is a heavenly experience, and Long Black Veil?? My favorite Johnny Cash song? You're killing me with kindness haha...  There is a sacred beauty in the bizarre and unexpected!
