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"They say he took control of the ship at sixteen. A fearsome lad, thirsting for blood. The crew mutinied soon after. They'd appointed him to be a puppet, not a leader, but he wouldn't bend. First mate had to get rid of him if he wanted to stay in power.
In the end, he got the last laugh. He hung the former first mate himself.
The man begged for mercy, but the Captain never thought of giving it.
The sea has no room for traitors."
"They say he chased all the others out of his waters. The Dutch, the Spanish, the French. He's the king of the Ocean. He knows her whims like he knows his ship. She is at his command, and in return, he has taken her as a wife.
To defeat him would be a miracle indeed. One would need the blessing of God.
And he has the blessings of hell himself heaped upon him."

18 tracks
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