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i'm no evil queen ☸ regina mills


To the evil queen who tried hard to make her mother proud. To which in her image, backfired.

She fell in love with a stable boy, her true love, but eventually he died, and she realized that pixie dust never lies.

She has two true loves now – her son & Robin Hood.

The stable girl, the purveyor of light magic, the evil queen, Regina - what - the - hell - Mills.

12 tracks
2 comments on i'm no evil queen ☸ regina mills

A fabulous Regina mix! That first M83 song with the Regal Believer voice overs made me tear up while studying in Starbucks, so there's that, hehehe. Just wonderfully well-rounded you captured so many different facets of this beautifully complex character! This is definitely a mix I will be playing over and over. Thank you so much for making this!
