Is this playlist safe for work?
7 comments on too fab for you

this playlist, in addition to pizza and energy drinks, is what keeps me going in studying for my exam tomorrow so i would like to thank you a thousand times

@simplyy_naomii OH MY GOD!!! OH!!! MY!!! God!!!!! I'M SO GLAD YOU STARTED READING CHECK PLEASE! WELCOME TO GAY HOCKEY HELL ENJOY YOUR STAY!!!!!!!! but holy fuck WOW yes i agree !! bitty is a perfect cinnamon roll who could actually kill you. i love it,,

Also love the idea of Bittle's phone being full of badass female rap music and shit and the other guys finding out and just being like ????what the actual fuck but you're so sweet what????

Oh my god i started reading check please! because of this playlist and thANK YOU SO MUCH for introducing me to this adorable little figure skating hokey nerd, this is incredible
