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明日へ (MY 2015 FAVS)


title means "asu e" or "to tomorrow" which is a GG song! this is a list of some of my favourite songs that came out in 2015.

i don't think i could ever pick a "best year" for music. every year brings its own incredible albums and songs, along with discoveries of new artists and bands to enjoy. thank you for listening to my playlists this year! i hope i've allowed you to discover a new favourite song, band or etc. japanese music is so so so wonderful and i hope it gets the large audience it deserves.
EDIT: thank you for gold!!

PIC CREDIT: http://floriate.tumblr.com/post/29426646153

26 tracks
9 comments on 明日へ (MY 2015 FAVS) (View all)

oh my gosh i just listened more and you have ぱらぱらり in here! that's honestly been one of my favourite songs for the last couple months ^^

Uwahhh you have the full version of the Haikyuu Ed by Galileo Galilei (0 w 0) I've been looking for it!! Do you know where you can download it?

@omotree it's on japanese itunes (not sure about amercian yet) but try this website called "aichun" or googling around some anime mp3 websites! or of course you could rip it from this list! i hope that helps! the kentaro in your profile pic is so cute : )

@infinite_bagel (sorry for 2 parts the rest of my comment got deleted bc i used an emote and i didnt want to delete the previous one) > and the new season is so amazing so far! i hope the new OP and ED are as good as the first ones! thanks again!
