Born in 1985 , Julien is a French composer, pianist and sound designer . He started music at four years old through the guitar and began piano later and never leaves it. He played in several bands. After studying jazz and modern music at the conservatory of music and musicology at the University of Arts in Bordeaux, France, he decided to teach music and piano. "I learned and I still learn a lot from my students through constant analysis of musical works and scores ." He discovered minimalism at University and starts to listen composers such as Arvo Pärt, Philip Glass, Henryk Gorecki and compositions such as "Gymnopédies" and "Gnossiennes" Erik Satie or the magnificent "The Unanswered Question" by Charles Ives. Always fascinated by minimalism and contemporary art music, it's during his buses journeys that these books music fill. His interest in new music discovery leads him to explore the vast world of electronic music and brings him to listen to Aphex Twin , Burial , Mùm (and many others) but especially Boards Of Canada that he describes as his "best discovery." Winter 2013 Julien contact musicians for his album called "Altered Perceptions" which is scheduled for 2015. Several videos have been shot during rehearsals. This love for sound led him to compose a piano solo called «INSIGHT».
