Trying to overcome anxiety and perfectionism, I remember when life was so simple, summers filled with flashlight tag, hide and seek, going down to the creek,swimming, fishing, singing by the bonfire and a new adventure awaiting to be embarked upon. Simple pleasures, less blue screens and more music and nature what really counts when the day is done.... what I pass on to my 3 year old boy. I hope that through music and any given experience to show him about his heritage and the simple pleasures in life. those that make us who we are what builds character, not what we have but who we share it with, not the value of things... but how much we value God ourselfs and eachother so much efficient is put on our worldly possessions technology being a wall built between tru interaction with the ones we trully love and i don't want him having a false sense of reality, cause denial then facing reality after so long of beliving that you got to be some body your not to please others is hard. but a few sticks some rocks and maybe a cardboard box can be a epic adventure , aside from some blue screen and a controller all the time less is more and i now see it i can have everything yet still feel empty in side is the worst thing and i want him to know if he has nothing but yet he has himself that he will be OK MORE then OK , Perfect and not to let himself mostly or anyone tell him other wise, first respect himself so then in turn he can love himself and that will follow through in his everyday life and effect the people he meets.

TOP TAGS sleep, chill, study, indie, Paramore

Member since Jul 2014
