m0n0c0t is a stage name for a male Wax Palm tree.
A tree doesn't own a name in our language, but in the nature he is referred by his original location.
he was born to an ancient household of gigantic palm trees in 1983, in Cocora Valley, Colombia.
Being 15 meters long, he was the shortest palm tree in the whole valley.
From a young age, he was astonished by the various sounds of the forest, between day and night, especially inspired by the sound of Yellow-Eared parrots who were coming to find a shelter behind his 3 meters leaves every once in a while.
By the age of 17, he found out that bird chirps, were leaving a mark over his own wax. He realized that these are recorded traces that could be reproduced.
By 2000, he built his own studio, that became among the most famous studios for parrots music in the whole South America. Parrots from all over the world would migrate to record their pieces, and having them mixed by the hands of the master.
While having the life any palm tree would have dream, he had larger aspirations. He had enough out of analog recording, and he wanted to explore the wider possibilities of digital production.
Shortly, he decided to move from his homeland to the urban Tiergarten Park in Berlin by 2010.
By the time he found out about sampling and synthesizing, and after gaining some experience, he create his own virtual workstation and used it to produce his own electronic music.
The name m0n0c0t is referring to binary numbers that have a logical combination of two numbers (1's and 0's). In the name, all the 1's are replaced with letters, and together they form the word monocot, which is the organic tree type of a wax palm tree, which is known as the largest monocot on earth.
By the new urban visions he is now encountered, his new project is inspired by objective observation on human behavior.
His debut EP, Dispersal, is the introduction for the whole project.


Member since Dec 2014
