i cant change my icon but i have a version of it that actually uses the correct lesbian flag it refuses to let me update to im SORRY

hi i am rex / sonny (or sunny, either spelling good) / roan(s) / horse(s). i stopped using this ages ago because i thought it was dead but its not apparently. waoh !

25 (born '97, likely to forget to update this). they/he/it/xe, ona if u know toki pona. disabled, dissociative system, and generally strange alterhuman bastard. i used to use this for fictionkin centric things, but these days my alterhumanity is a lot stronger about my nonhuman identity as a polymorph horse-dog-thing. you can learn more on my tumblr, linked on here.
on T since 12/27/19. woo !

mi pona tan ni: me sona e sina. :o)
