Gene Jack Rouzzoe aka General Rouj (G Rouj) is a native of Haiti and lives in FLORIDA. Representing his red and blue country colors, he is truly eclectic! Growing up mostly in America was an opportunity for expression on thought and understanding life beyond the third world perspective. As a preacher's kid sneaking to attain current pop music culture was not easy. Blending music styles including: Hip hop, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, R&B and more, he is truly one of the hottest Haitian American Artists. Influenced by his mentor Gary Davis of Chocolate Star as well as Notorious Big, Wyclef, Bob Marley, Talib Kweli, Outcast, Snoop and more, he is very non-discriminant in music that he produces and performs. Recently, he was in Haiti and started a group called Union Force, and is on a mission to bring the movement back into Hip Hop. Current Singles Include: "La Ge" Featuring Mokah Dimes "L'union Fait la Force" Featuring Union Force "In Loving Memory" Featuring: N'aeem, Ms Davis, Gary Davis "From Morning" Featuring: D'360, Mokah Dimes, INIKA
