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King and Lionheart

6 comments on King and Lionheart

this is such a great mix, i love it so much!! i've listened to it a bunch of times and the songs relate to merlin and arthur so much it makes me emotional haha. great mix again!! .x

You made me so happy saying that! This was exactly what I was looking for when I thought about this track. I will always be grateful to you for telling me those words!

Such an amazing mix! Great songs gathered together ahhhh
Shattered by Trading Yesterday made it so much better. It is one of my favorite songs and, honestly, I haven't heard it much on 8tracks.
So, thank you, miss!

I love this song and also all from Trading Yesterday. I heard that one and thought that would be perfect for what I was looking for. Thanks for the love, sweet.

For nothing, I have to say thanks to you for commenting, it means a lot! I did this track with all my love and what makes me happiest are the people who say they enjoyed by comment, directly to me or giving like. I also like king and lionheart, is one of the songs that most show about they, and it was what I tried to do.

Haha, no problem. It really is a perfect song for them. Especially once you watch the finale and it goes 'and as the world comes to an end, I'll be here to hold your hand'...Keep it up! :)

I just want to say thank you to my friend Bia who insisted that I watched Merlin. All this and my obsession are because of her. Also thanks for helping me doing this playlist. And for be a good friend.
