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my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake


Concept is Henry speaking to different characters. SPOILERS!

1 Greek class (some unseen and wondrous magic)
2 Julian (your songs)
3 Richard in the early morning (I just want to feel everything)
4 Francis, Charles, & Camilla before the bacchanalia (no waste, no fear)
5 Bunny on the ledge (I want to hurt him)
6 group after the "new ferns" (I can't go back)
7 Bunny in the ground (I will become what I deserve)
8 Julian after he's fled (I never meant to let you down)
9 Charles w/ the gun (I don't ever stay awake for you)
10 Camilla w/ a kiss (you left some stars in my belly)
11 the entire hotel room (now I'm free)
12 Richard in a dream (the place you need to reach)

My Henry/Camilla mix:

12 tracks
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