14 comments on And going away means forgetting. by w0wsatan

if anyone is interested I have made another mix. it's not as long but it means a lot to me and I would love for you all to check it out.

wow this mix is amazing! im sorry to annoy anyone but if you have time it would mean a lot if you could check out my new mix called escape it all http://8tracks.com/becausecatsxx/escape-it-all im not asking for likes im just asking to check it out but if you happen to like it then i would not mind if u click the like button (:

@becausecatsxx yeah I'll be sure to check that out later today (: p.s. sorry it took so long to reply I've been very busy with school and stuff.

oh my gosh this playlist means so much to me a guy im starting to fall for just moved away for 3 months and this just made me realize all my feelings aw aw i love it.
