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3 comments on What They Wouldn't Do

I listened to this playlist ages ago when you first made it, but I only just now got around to making an 8tracks account so that I could publish my own, and I thought I would reiterate how much I love the mix you put together for my story!

@Ashevillain14 my dude... you are so freaking cool and so incredibly talented. I wish you all the best and when I see an update for WTWD it's the highlight of my week. Thank you so much for sharing your creation with us. Also thanks for creating a story so immersive and true to the source material that I can't remember what actually happened in season 1 versus the fic.

@welldamnjackie @Ashevillain14 Omg I have the same problem! What is cannon and what is not cannon gets so mixed up in my head because WTWD is so freakin good!!!
