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if my yesterday is a disgrace


this playlist was created by the amazing ross aka @kaidorama (https://twitter.com/kaidorama) on twitter! (original post here - https://play.spotify.com/user/22rmkh5ym53ej452vz6zssghi/playlist/3GboSLplfTMR8qk14Vnd0X) the songs are based on this fic, written for the 10kfrproject: http://kaisooficrec.livejournal.com/11076.html, minus the last song which i added on as a bonus track ^^ i loved the playlist so much that i decided to accompany each song with an excerpt from the story. giant thank you again to ross for being absolutely lovely. also ty to the lovelies @kaisootype (https://twitter.com/kaisootype) for making this awesome calligraphy: https://twitter.com/kaisootype/status/772686547002855428 !!

15 tracks
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