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lost in a liquid trapocalypse

36 comments on lost in a liquid trapocalypse (View all)

LikeXcess I did what you suggested and found the song!!! That's the exact one I was looking for thank you soooo much!!'

thats not the one im talking about. theres another one on the playlist called the intro by xx or something.. ive found a bunch of versions but not the same exact one. ITS KILLIN ME!

if you follow the little official.fm link in the song bar you eventually end up here, http://www.mediafire.com/download/79gyeoorg1ehaow/xx+intro+ko+rmx.mp3
I'm pretty sure this is the one you're on about, you can always listen before downloading it... but even better news, it's free so doesn't really matter either way.

How do i find the artist of the song "xx" the one with almsot no words in it its just a sick beat. I can't find it on itunes or sound cloud or even youtube. Please help I NEED to have this song!!!
