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Ain't Today Tomorrow's Yesterday (rock)13

4 comments on Ain't Today Tomorrow's Yesterday (rock)13

so glad i could give you more exposure to amon duul ii! i'm not the biggest fan, but i do feel that they're a bit under-appreciated. and i totally love that song. i heard it initially on Pandora actually. and about Fade to Grey... that IS eerie... oh my god, what else? that's really cool though... man, wish i had gotten one of your cd's back then!

Wow. Have we ever traded physical mix CDs in the past? I used to make mixes after mixes and mail them out to strangers, and I'd often use Visage's Fade To Grey as the closer. So the fact that you did it as well is a bit surreal. There's another eerie coincidence to add to the ever-growing list of coincidences!

Loving this mix so far! I had no idea Amon Duul ii could make something so melodic and lush. I've only heard a couple of songs by them before, but nothing real catching until now. So thank you x100 for sharing this! Took me long enough to finally give it a listen :]
