22 comments on Christ As Bath Toy (hardcore)13 by aunt13

i see what you're saying. maybe i'll do that from now on, but i can't make any promises. some people don't even categorize their mixes, you know? it's kind of a loose labeling for me but i totally see what you're saying. i'm not trying to mislead people here. i just got a bit lazy i guess. i feel like you're my peeps so it's all good...
well if you still respect me, please check out http://8tracks.com/aunt13/eternalism-hip-hop-funk-electronic-13

but it is among all of us and if I put hardcore in and got your mix I would be like WTF!! I want black flag TSOL gang green minor threat not the is techno shit

yeah, i realize the labeling may be misleading but i've shortened it to hardcore b/c i figure among us, we know what we mean at this point. yeah, on the "outside" i always have to say hardcore techno b/c you're right, "hardcore" is really hardcore punk or slowed down metal, like Crisis

I am back for more. I believe a clarification needs to be made. I would consider this "Hardcore Techno" hardcore for me is American early to mid 80's punk, ie Angry Samoans circle jerks MDC. Also "Gabba rave" may work as a genre here.

oops, i thought der toten sounded familiar. i kept checking my stuff to see if i'd used it before and was really confused b/c i swore i'd heard it on a mix, not realizing it was from your mix!! sorry about that. i'm glad you enjoyed this!!
