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10 comments on Weird Divide (soft/hard)13 (View all)

yes, i love that sourvein track. i love how the beginning is metal-ey (awesome) and then only like a minute in or so it turns into experimental-ey, noise-ey stuff (double awesome). and yes, Messthetics Greatest Hiss, a must-have! an incredible compilation. thanks @cat_dentures for listening to my mix!!

yeah I did listen to your metal mix at the time I went through all your mixes. That Frantic mix, alongside Mystery and Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them! are the only metal mixes I ever made. I kinda feel like I neglected this part of my life, mostly probably because I've been listening to mixes from people who don't taste this genre. I should revisit my older passions.

if you like sourvein, have you listened to my black metal mix? i think i listened to your Frantic mix around the time i made mine; it might have autoflowed to yours or something or i might have been comparing our black metal...

awesome! thanks for listening! the Messthetics Greatest Hiss album is great! i love almost every song on it. i highly recommend it. and yeah sourvein and tobacco i'm not as familiar with, tobacco is fairly new to me, but so far i like :)
