33 comments on There Is No Shame In Reality: Part 2! by Be_T_Vo

thanks a lot for this mix! helps me a lot while working.. I can really focus on what I'm doing and at the same time these speeches are great inspiration..
good job!

Amazing when people like yourself take time in creating these wonderful mixes, thank you, you have made a difference in people, society and the world. keep it going, Appreciate your time

Thank you. I listen as I work. Helps me focus and puts me in a good mood. It drives my kids crazy but they are too young to get it yet : )

Thank you. I listen as I work. Helps me focus and puts me in a good mood. It drives my kids crazy but they are too young to get it yet : )

I love you so much for making this. My school work sessions are exponentially enhanced by inspirational material like this.Thank you.

anyone know what song is being played in Wanderers (the one labeled as Callum Sutherland)?

It sounds like Michael Giaccino but I can't be certain. (Also, if anyone who knows what song it is also happens to know how to get sheets for it, I'd be greatly appreciative).

Hahahaha, Callum Sutherland, made me lol. Great 8tracks evasion.

I love this mix, by the way, as well as all your other ones. Thank you so much for putting them up :)

this is brilliant! fucking brilliant! is it possible for you to make a downloadable version of this please? i'd like to listen to this while going to sleep but don't have a smartphone anymore, so an mp2 version would be the bees' knees.

Thank you so much! This mix helps me get stuff done while listening to something that is not today's "music" and actually helps you think about something larger than yourself

Unfortunately, that does not exist. What you can do is find the corresponding videos on Youtube and use a Youtube-Mp3 download website to transfer the files to your computer. Then you can upload them to Itunes or whatever service you use to play music. Good luck on your ascent!

This mix (and its predecessor) remind me of why I chose to study physics and science in general... Thank you :) :)
