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Afrocuban Roots, Seeds, Leaves


This was to be folkloric/sacred music from Afro-Cuban traditions/ceremonies; 8tracks has almost no such music. So, it's a loose mix.

15 tracks
10 comments on Afrocuban Roots, Seeds, Leaves (View all)

@kalisana, I feel the same way about your playlists! I'm in awe of the music you've managed to discover and collate, here and elsewhere. It's great to know you're listening...

I loved this mix. Thanks. I am always amazed by the width & depth of your musical tastes. Pity I can't feed it into a watchamacallit and listen away from the PC.
PS: I also loved the artwork.

@toxicshock, thanks so much for listening, and for your excellent suggestion to check out Euforquestra. I've never heard of them before, and I'm going right now to see if Blip.fm has any of their tracks in its database...Gracias!

@PaidinFull, thanks for your "totally essential" vote of confidence! I was dismayed to find so little "roots" and folkloric/sacred bata music here...I must figure out how to upload my own material...I have lots... So I threw the playlist together in less than 10 minutes with anything I could find that related to Lucumi/Santeria/Afro-Cuban folk/sacred traditions. Just like you, I love the Milton Cardona material (from his Bembe album); I have been listening to that album since the late 1980s, and never get sick of it.
