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Lost Red iPhone


...It is then that you stumble upon a LOST IPHONE. There is NO ONE AROUND, and IT IS JUST LYING THERE, INNOCENTLY. Upon unlocking it, you find THAT IT IS NOT PASSWORD PROTECTED, and after several moments of internal debate, you decide THAT THE NEXT BEST POSSIBLE COURSE OF ACTION would be to SNOOP AROUND ON IT.

On the phone, you find a PESTERCHUM APP that is signed in under the handle TURNTECHGODHEAD, a PHOTO GALLERY APP containing some QUESTIONABLE CONTENT, a PHONE APP, an EMAIL APP with nothing but JUNK EMAIL, a HEPHAESTUS BROWSER APP, and a MUSIC APP with a plethora of various SICK, SICK, BEATS...


An amassed collection of songs I feel like Dave may listen to, some for ironic reasons, and others because he just likes them.

Good luck figuring out which is which.

50 tracks
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