chenmuix Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold pop instrumental tracks #1 12 tracks | 4,027 237 | Stats Apowers Lana Del Rey Siegfred Carillo popinstumentalstudystudyingpop music Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: pop instrumental tracks #1
5 comments on pop instrumental tracks #1
asaree November 26, 2015
The 5 seconds of summer song wasn't instrumental, but other than that, good mix!
⃠beni.vdm-377 October 12, 2015
Everything is running smooth then try hard by 5 seconds of summer? Just, why?
⃠chenmuix October 07, 2015
Awe thank you guys! I'll be making another one soon since some tracks on here are being randomly replaced my 8tracks! ❤️
⃠itslorian October 05, 2015
Shit, this makes me wanna study :P
⃠coliew August 27, 2015
thank you finally a instrumental pop album that is legit