Sexuality Within Nudism and Sexual Power:
Sexual Power - In our last blog we spoke about breaking sexual quiet. We discussed that while naturism is not about public sex it may be about understanding and communicating sexual values for individuals looking to learn more about themselves, their bodies, and relationships. In this website we're going to develop more concepts helping us focus our dialogue about sexuality within naturism and life in general.
Let us start by recalling a word association from my first two sex-favorable blogs, nudity = sex! For some this association also means sex = dirty. Society extrapolates; nudity = sex = dirty = habits, stalkers, pedophiles, exhibitionists, pornographers, strip joints, prostitution, etc. etc. Unfair as it's, societal nudity gets lumped in with these matters.
So it's a challenge to regain a positive vision of sexuality within nudism. This is also why it's imperative that nudism signifies the maximum behavioral ethics. Not participating in public sex or lewd behaviour is crucial to our credibility. But, in addition to setting an example of proper nude behaviour, how can nudism communicate a better message than nudity = sex = dirty to disbelieving non-nudies?
Sexual Power
We begin by finding means of affirming constantly and everywhere, our bodies, our sexual nature, is sacred space. It is common sense to point out we're immersed in an all-natural world, a creation, which is at its core procreative and sexual at every degree.
All life; single cells, plants, animals, and humankind is a narrative of creation, recreation, procreation. The atmosphere of springtime practically vibrates with this power. Whose libido does not mechanically resonate when one walks out into the power of spring time? You see, smell and breathe it. It's within the verdant pasture leaping to life; in flowers stretching forth; birds as they mate and nest.
Sexual power bursts forth everywhere. For us farmers, it is a fact of life it is what sustains and enables us to feed the world. We see sexuality played out in our plants and our livestock, daily, monthly, seasonally. We hold the progeny in our hands the fruit and power of sexuality. It's a remarkable cycle and it is unequivocally GREAT.
Venus of Willendorf, an early figure believed to be a statue of fertility
Early cultures were close to the land, to the notions of fertility and sexuality. They fundamentally understood sexuality is LIFE. Their agrarian lives depended on the fertility of their livestock, plants, and their men and women to generate progeny. Without fertility entire cultures expired. In early cultures we see this admiration within their artwork and sculpture; regularly phallus symbols, or fertile female figurines, with exaggerated breasts and vulva. The reproductive organs were honored because they meant LIFE.
In a modern society where vast majorities of urban folks are radically divorced from agrarian realities of fertility and sexuality as the essence of life, food, and survival, the reproductive symbols of early guy lose their meaning anachronistically reduced to symbols of only enjoyment at best, or obscenity at worst. The perverse idea of sex as dirty is devolved in a culture alienated from a fundamental comprehension of fertility.
In such a vacuum, notions of sexuality are increasingly more abstract, divorced from the more primal understanding of fertility, and survival. Sexuality can become truncated, and finally perverse,  did not say "reintroduce" but "introduce" (See Cardiner, AAW p. 191). .'
In the vacuum of modern sexual comprehension, nudism is a beacon of hope it has the chance to to recover a grander view of sexuality as proclaimed by nature consequently we're naturists! We'ren't naturists simply because we're fond of nature, as if gazing wistfully at a painting in a museum. We're naturists because we recognize that WE'RE nature WE'RE natural sexuality. Nudism, in its stark nakedness can truly experience and understand sexuality as a great ambient power in which we're immersed, and at once a part of. All life is  A Naked Reality Show With a Twist  of fertile sexuality including our very selves. We cannot be extricated from this grand power whether we understand it or not whether we honor it or not. And honor it we must, or we die.
This great ambient sexual power is an important part of what we celebrate in our nudity. We learn to understand it within all of nature, within ourselves, and within our fellow human beings. We love it because we are it. It's not filthy! The sexual aberrations we observe in society aren't sex they are its perversion. Nudism is no more a part of these perversions than the fertility symbols of early cultures. Thus we mustn't be embarrassed of our nudity, and take every chance to honor it, as did cultures like early Greece.
In our next site we are going to discuss some thoughts about how nudism can honor and express a grander perspective of the great ambient power that's sexuality.
This articles abour Sexual Power and Sexuality in Naturism was published by - Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK
Tags: culture, sex positive, sexuality
Category: Sex Positive and Sexuality, Social Activism
About the Author (Author Profile)
We're Steve and Susanne, leaders of the FKK Upstate New York Chapter. We appreciate the freedom, rest, and healing power of nudism, and are interested in sharing our experiences with others. Please see our Facebook page to get acquainted or join in any of our actions.

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Member since Jul 2016
