13 comments on space odyssey by ching#1337 was here75

For a second, I thought I was on another planet shooting shit up with lazers & blowing it up into cosmic dust...

Then I realized I was just in my cubicle combing through spreadsheets. Good stuff my man, love oblivion.

Thanks, & stay golden (literally, all of your playlists are gold)

many thanks for your words! I also love this mix and very appreciate that someone can feel the same mood in this space traveling (with lazers & blowing it up into cosmic dust). and oblivion track partly inspired me to create this mix. great song!

thanks, I will try! and don't miss the second part http://8tracks.com/kmysko/space-odyssey-ii-1

in the wan light of a winter's day, there are many who see only a gathering of clouds on a horizon deadened by the cold mantle of the sleeping earth. but in the pale half-light, one can see different truths...and they say that a mirror held up will reflect the past...and every now and then, a glimpse of the future. winter is a gift...the chance to remember our ghosts and see them gently to sleep so that the future can come un-burdened by the past.

for me, this is the music of winter...of reflection...of peace.

my thanks.
