22 comments on apple orchards and autumn leaves by cosmos

I'm obsessed with this site and i totally just stumbled upon your mix! lol i now religiously listen to your mixes while i write essays and draw things. then i saw you posted one of your mixes on helen's wall...such a small world :)

Ahh that's so weird! But I love when little things like that happen :) I'm happy you like the mixes! I know, I'm obessed with this site as well, it's extremely addicting hahah

thank you! :) and I'm sorry I can't be of much help; I bought everything I have of these two bands from itunes because I had trouble finding their stuff anywhere else! :(

I turned this on while carving pumpkins with my family and it was a hit! perfect mix I'm wanting to download all of the songs!!

I was searching for a perfect autumn playlist that I could listen to because i'm making a pumpkin pie right now. FOUND IT! THANK YOU
