140 comments on La Petite Mort Is An Understatement For This. by data

This is my favorite playlist by far. I've easily listened to it, probably 20 times and the mood is still fine, I promise. If you by any chance have a list of all the songs, I'd really appreciate. Great mix!

I was actually really surprised to see french on a mix title, so i just listened to it. I'm glad I did , it's perfect :)

L'ensemble est très calme & très agréable :)
Bonne soirée !

You've done so well. So many mixes I find myself skipping songs, I really appreciate the thought and effort you put into this mix. I consider myself a music junkie and you've introduced me to many new songs, I shall be thankful eternally to you. I would totally have your babies and engage in copious amounts of coitus with you.

Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me (: I would have ALL the coitus with you!
