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7 comments on HornFire

yes, please. recommendations would be lovely. anything that really shows off what a horn can do, basically. thank you!(:

@violences hey, i can offer some suggestions if you like! listen to horn concertos (like solos but accompanied by an orchestra) particularly Mozart, Haydn, and Strauss (his 2nd is especially impressive) are among the best. the huntsmen's chorus from Weber's "Der Freichutz" has really fun horn part i played as a solo one year. "American Overture" by Joseph Wilcox Jenkins and Holst's "Jupiter" are some my favorite orchestra pieces that feature horn. As far as players to emulate, listen to Dennis Brain- he's considered THE god of horn by many professionals. And if you just want to hear some fun popular songs on horn, check out fhornpatrick on youtube, he has some great covers :) that's all i can think of off the top of my head, but if you want more recs or have any questions just ask!

my band instructor told me to listen to some music with my instrument (the french horn) in it and I'm SO glad I found this omg

@violences I'm glad I could help! If you need or want recommendations of horn music in any particular genre (or at all), I'd be happy to oblige.
