Who knew? Dubstep and Classical music, together at last...Eleven tracks on this one, most of them centered around folks like Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart...including music by 16 bit, BogTroTTeR and Chase & Status. Plus a few that aren't quite classical, but fit quite well...
*note* Everyone is well aware that the first track features O Fortuna by Carl Orff, not Mozart, please just let it go and enjoy the music. Thank You.
469 comments on Classical Dubstep... (View all)
Taco Stand November 25, 2015
This is dope nice dubstep with classical music its awesome ive been waiting for this didnt even know it was possible great...
⃠Ash123 November 09, 2015
I have been waiting for you!!!!
⃠wildwalker82 November 03, 2015
Thank you! I love this playlist.
⃠Good dubstep has a lot of elements of classical music, just composed on a modern instrument.
I only wish the playlist were longer.
RobertJ.Benson November 03, 2015
haha. LOL Lincoln :)))
⃠Shadowight3 October 25, 2015
I always said techno music and classical music would sound great combined. Close enough.
⃠agalin920 August 31, 2015
Good mix but the dubstep is lacking in impact and originality. Experiment with heavier and more impactful beats and the song would be amazing. So far it sounds like a great mix of mozart with some annoying and off beat beats.
⃠mrlightsmithphotograph December 31, 2015
@agalin920 my thoughts exactly
⃠AlbertaJones August 30, 2015
So cool! Thanks
⃠titania_nek July 14, 2015
never imagined this was possible