Belle said it all.

(This user has playlists of the Disney and Broadway nature)

The Lunar Chronicles ft. Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Levana, Winter, Kai, Wolf, Thorne, Jacin, and Iko's playlists.

NaNoWriMo ft. The Beginning, Young Love, The Big Moment, The Middle Stuff, The Montage, The Battlefield pt. 1, The Battlefield pt. 2, When All Is Lost, Bittersweet Conclusions, The End

Sleep ft. The Lullaby of Broadway and other sleepy time musicals, Mickey's Lullabies

Disney ft. You Never Get Tired of Disney, Mickey's Lullabies, Deleted Disney, Halloween Disney Style, The Road to Disneyland

Broadway ft. Showtunes and Dancing, Broadway St., The Lullaby of Broadway and other sleepy time musicals, You Can't Stop to Breathe, Some Things Are Meant to Be: A Compilation of Sad Showtunes

TOP TAGS queer, the lunar chronicles, lesbian, fairytale, Taylor Swift

Member since Jul 2013
