43 comments on Life is a four-letter word by evertheless

Great, great stuff. Mixes this good are rare to find. It is not about a music style or artists. It goes beyond trying to portray an emotion. it is about life. It is happy and sad, it is old and new, but it is all good. Seriously, this mix is great.

Great mix!

Please tell me a bit about that photograph. What is going on? The roof I get, but the metal and concrete structure, not so much... and what's under the roof? Please share... It seems that long mixes give long time to contemplate the mix cover photo.

I'm sorry! I didn't see this comment until just now. What's in the picture is actually the remains of an old watermill. The metal and concrete structure is its old millstone. This was all at the bottom of a beautiful waterfall set in one of the inlets of Lake Hartwell, GA/SC (the cover art for another of my mixes, AM, was taken from my kayak on the way to the waterfall)
