12 comments on Born in the wrong decade? (Pt.1) by fallingsneeuw

I was born in the right decade.The thing is back then there wasn't as much to do like computer games tv etc.So we sat around and jammed.Music was excellent.Sorry people but i don't like the new doof doof,techno etc.Electronics have shortened the supply of
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REAL MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This mix is awesome.
Phil from Oz.

Actually right!! This is an awesome mix making me happy even though i have to write essays for three different subjects... Anyways! Thank you for creating this mix *_*

amazing! just amazing! This playlist is perfect, Zeppelin, Doors, The Zombies, Floyd, Oyster Cult, Velvet Underground etc. You make me feel that I belong to the 70's. Thank You!
