28 comments on the witch's workshop by fiertia

I find myself transported from an ordinary classroom to a place in the forest where the leaves cackle and there are lights dancing between the trees. I am truly charmed, pun intended.

I noticed that you have tracks from the Taiwanese puppet animation, The Arti: The Adventure Begins. Have you actually seen the film?? I've been looking for it!

@starshinesMonet nope, I had actually never heard of the film before your comment (shame on me)! It looks really intriguing and visually striking though, so if I ever have the chance, I'd definitely want to watch it.

@fiertia Ahhhh! I love Sound Cloud. I've found so many wonderful musicians there. I'm really sad that 8tracks won't be working with them anymore. :(

Brilliant!!! Never knew that this music will be so motivating. But it makes sense: witchcraft is linked to studying/focusing/becoming better at a craft—subconsciously this can have an effect on everyday work.

@alwayshustlin23 yeah, I always get a lot of progress made when listening to this type of music, so I'm glad it had that effect for you, too! best of luck on your work!

I am just obsessed with your "witches' tales" series! I love every single playlist in it. These music create a fantastical and whimsy atmosphere, and are great for studying, daydreaming, or just chilling.

@Maironeeeee many thanks!! that was the idea/aesthetic (fantastic & mysterious, but whimsical) that I tried to keep in mind while making these. I'm so glad you've enjoyed them!
