30 comments on Quiet Minds II by fireflydreams

Nice playlist! I just think the Heart of Courage track is a little odd(poor quality source?), maybe getting it from another place may fix it =)

It started with one of my favorite songs ever, so of course I love this playlist!! Thank you so much for making my work day bearable :-)

@532399180 Oh wow. Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that other people enjoy the mixes I've made, and I totally agree Hurt is one of my favourite songs :)

Wow, and there we have part two of the most aweosme playlist this site has! I really love to listen to your Quiet Minds mix and this second part is wonderful too!

@sarkastra Hey! Thanks a lot! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the Quiet Minds playlists :) It means a lot to hear that people are enjoying them xx
