Gary fixter is a major soccer with experience in coaching. Many of his students have grown to be really good players. Its all ahout the attitude and the training so from the starts he makes sure to people are willig to start. Its about waking up at 5 am to do the morning run. From there we hit the weight to make sure you warm up to avoid injury.

Gary Fixter - The motivation of a Coach to his Soccer team.

Motivation in football, what is worth and what is not

Before talking about the application in sports and especially in soccer, it is important to be clear about what Coaching is. This is known as the interactive process through which a coach assists the coachee (client who receives coaching) to get the best of himself. The coach helps the person to achieve the set goals, using their own resources and skills in the most effective way.

Within the sports context, the coach is characterized by being a leader, not only for knowing the technical, tactical, sports strategies and organization of methodological content, but also possessing competencies and skills to motivate the group and understand its psychological aspects.

Although in sport it is said that great success is measured by results, we cannot ignore that coaches must implement an administrative, emotional and competitive process that allows them to generate empathy in their environment, by asking open-ended questions, of rapport with the message, tolerance and respect for the person, and also positivism and listening carefully to others.

Motivation in football is a task that a coach can never give up. But inspired talks or speeches aren't worth it. What works is to combine rewards with punishments.

If any coach were asked what he understands by motivation in soccer, team motivation, motivation for his players; I do not know, seven out of ten, surely they would say that to unblock their teams emotionally, what works are inspirational speeches, talks to give encouragement in the locker room or even a series of made phrases or slogans. That is the norm of an unwritten law but one that many soccer coaches assume.
But it works?

Gary Fixter You can track further up the pitch to support your team's defence and be the link between the midfield and the striker. They can also back up the pitch, support the team defence and act as a link between midfield and strikers. You can even track back across the pitch to support your team's defence or be a link between the midfield player and the striker!
