ghoulnextdoor Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? gold The merciless spirit of desolation 11 tracks | 1,305 123 | Stats Jacaszek Kreng From the Sky ambientelectronicwendigo psychosisminimalpsybient Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: The merciless spirit of desolation
7 comments on The merciless spirit of desolation
ErrorMalfunction btrxz February 01, 2013
This mix is beautiful and is now following my latest.
⃠rezeski January 12, 2013
quite excellent. mythic in quality.
⃠repairerofreputations November 20, 2012
An outstanding mix! This is inspiring me to make a wendigo-themed mix of my own. Thanks!
⃠gabynycity October 24, 2012
absolutely wonderful...
⃠Deathinteresse btrxz October 22, 2012
That was stellar. Perfect flow. Gave me the creeps.
⃠tbridget plus October 20, 2012
Oh my gosh that story and illustration just haunted me as a kid. So glad you made this mix; freaking love it as always.
⃠ghoulnextdoor plus October 20, 2012
Yes! As far as I am concerned, The Wendigo is the creepiest, freakiest tale ever told!
⃠cozy October 18, 2012
Bravo! Possibly your Magnum Opus? Sets the mood and atmosphere for this tale in a way that reminds one of that surreal soundtrack to "There Will be Blood".
⃠Magical :)
ghoulnextdoor plus October 19, 2012
Aw, you always say the nicest things. Thanks for listening (^_^)