66 comments on It's Gonna Be LEGEN.... wait for it..... DARY: LEGENDARY! by GordoRamsey

holy shit. 22 songs in this is epic!
could you send me the entire playlist?
my email is fwynne07@aol.com


hey there gordoramsey, i tried going onto the spotify sight but it's not in my country yet :P so can you send it to me? its a crazy fresh, pumping playlist!! my email is maxweir@rocketmail.com

Hey gordoramsay, do u think u could send me this playlist as well? Its the BEST one I've listened to yet! Super pumped up at the gym right now. My email is hzhao@media.ucla.edu

It's 4am, I'm studying statistics like there's no tomorrow, I've got my red bull...and now I've got this playlist! A big thank you all the way from Malta!

FUCK MAN! I'm at Renn Fayre at Reed College right now. My best childhood friend is about to graduate (in 1:20 hours) and I have 4 more pages to write about sustainable urban agriculture before my final project is done. With music like this, if I miss my friend's graduation and one of the U.S.' biggest college celebrations.. I'm blaming you

Haha. Hope you made it to the graduation and party. Should of played this mix at the party. Would be raging the whole time.
