Hannah Barry
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Somethin' 'Bout Summer

5 comments on Somethin' 'Bout Summer

You know it's a cover and can change the titles. Also, you must know it's a cover when you post it to a playlist. Make a playlist that's all covers if you want. If you can't label them keep them off your playlist, people don't come here to listen to covers! I don't care who is singing it, it's not the original song; don't post it if it doesn't say that. It's a pretty easy thing to do out did respect for the users of this site.

@PutYourRecordsOn I would love to change the title of the track if I knew how - please explain. I don't intend to disrespect anyone. I make these playlists primarily for my own listening pleasure, not to fool anyone. I'm sorry that I've bothered you with that. I guess you'll know what to expect from my playlists and to avoid them in the future.

@Hannah Barry that's part of the problem, you SHOULD label them as covers. You might have not said they were original but you put the artist name and song name without stating that it was a cover... So it's safe to assume the actual person is singing. Also, I have no problem finding songs that aren't covers, especialy when they are old taylor swift songs! If you want people to hear you sing make a youtube page like the rest of the world! Thanks.

@PutYourRecordsOn You've misunderstood. That ISN'T me singing. Those covers are ones other people have put up that I'm just putting in my playlist. So, I have no power over whether they label it a cover or not.

@PutYourRecordsOn Hey there! Sorry to disappoint you - I agree that covers are annoying! Sometimes it's the only free tracks available though. I have not indicated that this playlist only includes original tracks.
