55 comments on Study Haven by hokkaidomilktea

essa lista de reprodução é sensacional, milkthimble.
outstanding playlist you got there, milkthimble. thanks and congrats for what to me sounds great.

the more classic Harry Potter themes are a bit much, made me want to quit the essay and watch a movie. the only one I'd keep, personally is Neville's Waltz, it blends in with the other songs more smoothly, but makes me smile because it's familiar

I love this mix! Such a great variety from Chopin's timeless solo piano bits to sweeping musical scores to electronic instrumentals. I find that when i turn on this mix I can solely focus on the task on hand... like my AP chem test this friday ;). Make a part two!

I do agree though, the Harry Potter kills my concentration... Totally a Harry Potter fan, but not for a study mix.

Wow, I love this mix! It helped me through studying for my midterm exam! Didn't think I'd be into the classical part, but totally digged it..

i am seriously IN LOVE with all the songs in this playlist. thanks so much for helping me get through finals week :)

best....study mix ever. The only one that could actually help me not only study, but calm down as well as sleep better. Thanx :)

I liked most of the tracks, but the integration of the Social Network songs wasn't great, I found them to be really jarring and distracting. Otherwise, everything was great!

This just officially became my favourite study playlist! I love the mix of classics with soundtrack music - keeps it entertaining and keeps me from falling asleep. Excellently done!

When my focus is fading and I have the FTS exam blues, this is helping me to finish strong. Thanks for the good mix!
