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5 comments on Untitled

Yes I agree, but this was done kinda for fun, and again, he had not written the lyrics so if you can imagine, it is a little hard to freestyle an acoustic song like that. I know its not even that great, but more-so it displays that there is definite potential there.

songs this simple (and simple is not a bad thing) the words have to be excellent either in depth (thought provoking) or well crafted whimsy or comical. He's voice is fine and the guitar was good but more attention needs to be spent on the words and their delivery. IMO

Please let me know what you think of Ron and The Wieners. Ron is a friend of mine who is singing in the songs. He did not write those at all and they are completely made up on the spot, nothing is planned. Im hopin' for feedback on someone who doesn't know him
