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Songs You Don't Know You Love Yet (Probably)


A short list of songs you'll love the first time you hear them, and the second time...

Because of the overwhelmingly positive response I've gotten to my song that I placed first in the playlist, I've decided to put up an album of 13 tracks of my own content.

Thanks so much for all of your positive feedback. You made my...well...year.

http://ktubbs.bandcamp.com/ If you care to check it out :D

(It's also on YouTube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYOzDYzB180

8 tracks
93 comments on Songs You Don't Know You Love Yet (Probably) (View all)

havent heard penelope in forever. thanks for the reminder.
when i heard it, it was just an EP this version is so much better!

Great mix. Love this song... Came upon the playlist on stumbleupon of all places and am so grateful I did. I still haven't been able to find another playlist with a lot of songs I didn't already know but still loved. (Also, LOVE that you threw some Ducky in there... she's the shit!)

man you gotta make more music... and i mean seriously. When I can make a decent 8track of your hits (more than just that 1), then I will be WAY happy
