「 I'd wait if you're okay with it. Disrupt the crew as little as possible. Take that last chance to find some calm just before the storm. You know me, always like to savor that last shot before popping the heat sink.
Wait, that metaphor just went somewhere horrible... 」
10 comments on 「 calm before the storm 」 (View all)
kuubixx May 07, 2021
Hey gang. I found the song. thatt the song use in the "CHERRY" by Ratatat
⃠kuubixx August 28, 2020
hey, i got locked out of my acc cuz i haven't used it in a long time.If you're here looking for the garrus track :
⃠kuubixx August 28, 2020
I have to reiterate again, this track is not mine. I did not make it. I found it one day but have never seen it again. Lucky I saved it when I did. Anyways, enjoy
⃠smellslikebutter December 05, 2019
Oh wow. This is a beautiful playlist, and the first track is... WOW. JUST WOW!
⃠ylixia July 10, 2018
I've been listening to this mix for FOREVER, it's so perfect. Do you have a download link to that first garrus remix track? I can't find it anywhere and I'm deathly afraid of losing track of it (also been toying with the idea of making a fanvid xD)
⃠kuubixx August 28, 2020
⃠asspostate June 02, 2018
This is seriously amazing, I listen to this ALL the time. The first one is particularly striking and I have never been able to find it. Thanks so much for making this, I hold it really close to my heart
⃠kuubi xx August 24, 2017
Thank you everyone for the support on this, while making this I was in a really difficult place in my life and honestly video games were the only way for me to cope with it all. I'm really glad others can connect to this in there own way, thank you all so much for the nice comments, it really pushes me to keep going. Thanks again!
⃠StarHost April 06, 2017
this is an incredible mix. i know its almost a year old but honestly it's entirely refreshing and spot on for the character. as someone who loves and makes ambient/experimental fanmixes, i always feel a little sad at how few of them there are in fan spaces. But this. man. this is Everything. It's so amazing to hear something so gorgeous.
⃠kuubi xx August 24, 2017
@StarHost Thank you so much, I'm really glad that people feel so strongly about this mix ! I'm truly honoured, thank you, my friend.
⃠NerdTrash2.0 February 01, 2017
Whyyyyyy do I always have to find the amazing ones while I'm on mobile? This is soooo goooood!
⃠kuubi xx August 24, 2017
@NerdTrash2.0 Thank you so much ! I'm really happy you like it