Today happened the way that it did so that tomorrow can happen the way that it should

I honestly don't care about what others think; If you don't like me then its your loss.

The few whose opinions I do hold in high regard, are the people I would do anything for.

I love hanging with friends and having an awesome time.

I love music, it is my safest escape and one of my greatest passions (Next to writing and reading).

I have three tattoos, and 7 piercings, and I am always looking to add more.

I have two puppies, one is a white chihuahua named Mojo, (after Transformers) that little guy is my baby, and my other is a rat terrier named Harley Quinn after the cartoon batman villian.

I love to absolutely LOVE to laugh.

I am one of the biggest dorks you will probably ever meet but I claim it proudly, and I have a shit load of fun with it.


Member since Jul 2011
