23 comments on Sensimilla Vol 1 by Lewisly

Have never listened to a playlist as blatantly weed-influenced as this one. What a great first. I love that it's just a nice random assortment, rather than Snoop Dogg + Sublime + Lil' Wayne + More Snoop Dogg. lol. Keep em' coming.

Thanks for all the comments! Had a lot of fun making this playlist, was pretty baked.. Oh, and i believe sensimilla is the english-ised version of the spanish 'sins semila' so ima claim that as correct.

haven't come across a playlist in a long time in which I genuinely loved every single song.

This is wonderful...Thank you!!

Awesome. These tracks were composed with the understanding of the need for people to be reset to a state of 'chillness' :)

Wow, thanks. Struggling through a shitton of final work right now, and dubstep was WAY too heavy... this is PERFECTO. Just wish I could spark one up too!

Loved it. I'm at work and this is the only thing that's prevented me from telling this people to go to hell and just get the fck out of here :)
