18 comments on Musicals Rock! by LissaB99

It's like you took all the songs I love, added some new ones- and turned into a playlist! Thank you so much!

i love this mix, but one of the song's titles you got wrong, it is the one from Beauty and the beast, it is called Belle not Bonjour

LOL. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! We are only long lost twins if you are as obsessed with Lin Manuel Miranda as I am. :)

Thank you! This is just what I was in the humour for! I've probably burst the eardrums of everyone within a 5 mile radius of my bedroom!! :)

LOL. Sorry. Skip that one then. I actually prefer the Phantom with Sierra Boggess and RAMIN KARIMLOO. Not sure why I put this one. As soon as I posted this playlist, I started second-guessing the songs I put up. I guess I should just make another one with other songs I didn't put. I love too many musicals. HAHA.

Oooooooo, I was loving this until the Phantom of the Opera. It's personal preference, but I hated the movie due to Emmy Rossum's incomparability to Sara Brightman or Sierra Boggess. Great playlist though! :)
