Is this playlist safe for work?

coffee, ciggarettes and cramming.


It's 4AM. Your 182 words into what you think will be the worst essay written. You are feeling slightly delusional from lack of sleep, your vision is slowly getting blurred. You pour your 6th cup of instant coffee. You light up your 12th cigarette. You consider snorting some concentrated bath salts just to get this fucking essay done. If sadly, you do not have any bath salts or feel as though you don't want to eat someones face off, then this playlist is for you. Focus guaranteed.

26 tracks
1 comment on coffee, ciggarettes and cramming.

Hey this is a perfect playlist for studying! But I'm just wondering, did you make it private? Because after I liked and collected it, I wasn't able to find it in my listening history, liked history, or in my collections.
