Mayday Cat
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Life Wont Give You Pink Lemons


16 (female) 5’6” Dark 'pink hair (pixie cut), pale skin (with 'pink undertones) light 'pink eyes. Light 'pink short sleeved blouse and white jeans tennis.
PinkLemonade seems very laid back but when it comes down to it she stresses about the littlest things. She has no idea how to deal with love, and tries not to get into anything like that. But when she gets a crush she gets really Obsessed. (like stalker Obsessed). She is somewhat socially awkward but also can pass off as confident and 'popular if she wants too. She loves her friends more than anything else and protect them viciously if need be. She has split personality disorder (going from insecure shy girl to confident bitch) (she likes chocolate milk)
Ability: can calm people by touching them.
Human name: Sunny
UPDATED 9/30/17

10 tracks
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