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You Should Enjoy The Classics! (An 80's Overwatch Playlist)

16 comments on You Should Enjoy The Classics! (An 80's Overwatch Playlist) (View all)

dude i read the list on tumblr and i was like Shoulda been only a lad for junkrat but then it's like Hey guess what thats the actual song they wanted, awesome . But cherry bomb fits a lot too . Both are fun to sing

@minteafresha lmao yeah, and it makes me sad bc only a lad being junkrat's song was the reason i made this playlist. damn 8tracks >:( BUT i didn't want to budge on perfect system for symmetra and dead or alive for reaper so i guess it had to be swapped out. (can you tell that i love the only a lad album? i listened to it on repeat for like two weeks) also nice The Cheat icon
